Surprise Surrounds Sudden Retirement of NSHC Doctor

After years with Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) in Nome, Doctor Karen O’Neil is no longer seeing patients. The reason for Dr. O’Neil’s departure is still unclear at this time.

NSHC Public Relations Specialist Reba Lean states the Corporation won’t make a comment about the situation because it is a personnel matter. NSHC CEO Angie Gorn could not be reached for comment.

The situation was made public on October 5th, when Dr. O’Neil sent an email to the community of Nome via a list-serv. In her message, O’Neil said, “To my patients in Nome and the Norton Sound region… I am no longer seeing patients at Norton Sound Regional Hospital at this time… I’ll miss you all, it’s been an honor to work here and take care of you and your families.”

When asked further about her email, O’Neil shared a statement with KNOM that she is getting ready to retire. An anonymous source told KNOM that the NSHC Board of Directors, including new board chair Jacob Ivanoff, was involved in Dr. O’Neil’s retirement decision.

No further information has been released or made by public by NSHC staff, the Board of Directors, or Doctor O’Neil.

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