Working the Runway?

For my fellow volunteers and I, KNOM’s building on 107 West 3rd Ave. represents an age-old transition that all former college students reach eventually: that first post-graduation job. But to us, the nature of our volunteer year is so much more than just a job. And likewise, KNOM is so much more than your average workplace or radio station.

Lauren and I enjoy private soundproof booths as our offices in the new Tom and Florence Busch Digital Studios which are exceedingly helpful when we have to record audio at a moment’s notice. Davis and Tyler have the benefit of a more open format in the Newsroom, sharing story tips and feedback on writing each week’s news stories. We are also blessed by a caring group of paid staff that make sure that we don’t work too hard but continue to push us to do the best work we can do for the sake of ourselves and KNOM’s greater mission.

However, I would be lying if I didn’t say my first impression of KNOM leaned towards the superficial! Yes that’s right, KNOM’s dress-code is “casual” – a foreign concept to my skirted and bloused, stocking and heeled intern-self of yesteryear. Upon discovering this fact pre-applying to KNOM last year, I was sold. Here I come Nome, Alaska! (Kidding!! There were so many more substantive reasons I had for applying to KNOM. I swear.) But in fact, KNOM’s own Volunteer FAQ states that “even in winter, volunteers typically wear slacks and blue jeans, t-shirts, sweaters and sweat shirts.” Interesting. Very Interesting.

To celebrate KNOM’s own brand of “Nome Fashion” I did a little investigative journalism around the office to see if my fellow volunteers really were wearing all blue jeans and t-shirts. The results are in the gallery below.

And without further ado, in this week’s audio blog, we delve into all things “office-y,” discussing work routines, our work spaces, and of course, doing a loving homage to the movie “Office Space.” Take a listen!


Copyright notice: Fair-use audio taken from Office Space © 1999 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and Cubicle Inc.

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