Nome Youth Facility Secure in Funding, Will Stay Open — For Now

After Alaska’s House Finance sub-committee recommended its closure this past March, Nome Youth Facility’s director, Bob Froehle, is happy to report that they have funding for the 2016 fiscal year.

During the consideration to close the center, citing high operating costs and fluctuating attendance, the Department of Health and Social Services said closing the Youth Facility would save more than $1 million.

Froehle admits funding is never guaranteed. “You know every state agency has got to have some concerns because of the budget statewide… with the oil revenue being down… it’s a big issue. It was a big issue last legislative session, and I’m sure it’ll be a big issue with the upcoming one.”

But when it came down to final decisions, the State decided to keep the Youth Facility open. It is one of eight in the state and can house up to 14 youth. The facility focuses on building competencies to prevent future crime. 

The state’s decision to continue the facility’s funding will be decided in June of next year.

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