Nome City Council Discusses FY ’16 Budget Ordinances

As of Monday night, all seven of Nome’s budget ordinances will move on to the second reading phase.

During last night’s Nome City Council meeting, City Finance Director Julie Liew addressed the Council to explain some of the numbers that stood out on this fiscal year’s budget.

“In terms of total revenue, we collected $11,752,108.28, compared to a budget of $11,334,249. So that would mean we brought in additional revenue that was more than expected: about $417,859.28.”

Liew then explained where the majority of that extra revenue came from.

Liew mentioned that landfill fees brought in about $38,600. Additional income came, she said, through “the State revenue or municipal assistance; we saw an additional $8,600 (about) for liquor license, and we had an extended health insurance premium holiday given to us by the State. As you can see, we have about over $200,000 addition in savings.”

Councilman Stan Anderson served as acting mayor at last night’s meeting. He asked Julie Liew, if the current budget isn’t balanced, then how would a balanced budget for fiscal year ’17 be trustworthy?

“To answer Councilman Anderson’s question on expenditure,” Liew responded, “yes, there are certain fixed costs that we do know what they are; at the same time, there is also variable costs that we have no idea what they would be, so we do a forecast. A forecast is not 100% correct because, again, you’re looking at an average over a certain number of years, and you then factor in certain increases in price. At the end of the day, we may not be using all of it, we could come under.”

Councilman Culley added it’s “not bad” to be spending $150,000 less than what the budget planned for when the total budget amount is over $11 million. More discussion and voting on ordinances amending the Municipal budget will occur at the next City Council meeting.

To round out last night’s business, two resolutions establishing Childhood Cancer Awareness week and Extra Mile Day both passed unanimously. October 23rd through the 29th will be recognized as Childhood Cancer Awareness week, and November 1st is now Extra Mile Day, a day to “go the extra mile” to make a difference in your life, community, or world.

Before adjournment of the regular meeting, the Council entered into executive session for the annual review of City Manager Tom Moran. The next scheduled City Council meeting is October 10th.

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