Marine Exchange of Alaska Recommends Tug Boat for Nome Port

Last night, during a special work session, the Nome Port Commission heard proposals from Captain Ed Page of the Marine Exchange of Alaska (MXAK). MXAK is a non-profit maritime organization that suggests new safety measures to Alaskan ports.

Port Director Joy Baker began the session by explaining why more safety precautions are necessary.

“With an increased amount of traffic,” said Baker, “we’re running into a bunch of newbies. Never worked here. They show up, they hit the current, they deal with the winds, and they’re suddenly in a ‘Whoa!’ situation.”

Captain Page’s main recommendation was the addition of a tug boat to support larger vessels.

“A tug positioned right on a vessel makes a big difference as far as running lines and also just nudging or holding a vessel as it’s maneuvering,” said Page.

But the community members present were frustrated by this suggestion.

“Well, first of all, I don’t think that a support tug is necessary with the traffic they have here,” said Nome resident Emory Charles Wheeler.

He believes there are other, more urgent projects that the Port Commission should focus on, such as building a washateria for the small boat harbor.

Captain Page reminded those present that he was merely there to make recommendations.

“It’s your port,” said Page. “If you say, ‘You’re out in left field,’ then get me on the right course again.”

The Nome Port Commission will decide whether to implement Page’s recommendations after he submits his final report this winter.

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