American Conservative Union Rates AK Legislature On Conservatism

For the second year in a row, The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACU) has rated and scored the Alaska State Legislature to show how legislators vote on issues related to the government’s role in individuals’ lives. This year’s scorecard rated the State House overall at 53%, and the State Senate at 47%.

According to an ACU press release, Alaska legislators with the highest scores were those who voted most consistently in line with ideals described by the U.S. Constitution, such as individual rights, as defined and interpreted by the ACU.

Legislators who score above 80% individually also receive awards for standing by conservatism. ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp defines conservatism as the political philosophy that says the authority or power of a state to govern itself resides with the people.

House Representative Steve Thompson of District 2 is the only member of the Alaska State Legislature to receive an ACU Ratings Award for 2016.


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