Nome and Kotzebue Receive Donation of 14,000 Pounds of Fish

For the second year in a row, Nome has received a free fish donation from SeaShare to provide to those in need.

SeaShare is a more than 20-year-old nonprofit that started out by taking bycatch fish and donating them to food banks. Bycatch fish are those that are unintentionally caught and are legally supposed to be thrown back.

Jim Harmon, the Executive Director of SeaShare, says he was excited to be aboard the C-130 plane out of Kodiak with the fish shipment that was delivered to Kotzebue earlier this week and Nome on Wednesday. This will be Kotzebue’s fourth year of receiving fish donations.

Harmon says SeaShare donates over 200,000 pounds of seafood a year throughout Alaska as a way to help improve nutrition through the food bank network. Alaska only encompasses 10% of the non-profit’s total donations throughout the U.S.

NANA Corporation in Kotzebue and Kawerak in Nome are local partners with SeaShare and received a combined total of approximately 14,000 pounds of frozen halibut this week.

SeaShare has been able to successfully distribute over 200 million seafood servings to those in need since 1994.

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