Nome Visitors Center Contract Approved

Six resolutions were passed at last night’s Nome City Council meeting. All motions were carried unanimously, but some came with contention. One such resolution dealt with a contract for operations of the Nome Visitor Center.

Robert Hafner is the head of the Nome Chamber of Commerce, which manages the Nome Visitors Center. He spoke at last night’s meeting and emphasized the value of the work being done there, saying, “tourism is one little bright spot we have. We need to grab it, embrace it, and welcome these people here, because money is down everywhere, and we need that money to come to our community and spread the word they had a good time. ”

On the other side of the table, Councilman Stan Anderson addressed some community member concerns about the way the Visitor Center has been run thus far. He says, for their credit, they were being overpaid to begin with.”

The Chamber of Commerce agreed to take a six percent budget cut this year in their contract with the City, but Councilman Anderson says he still thinks that’s too much money.

City Manager Tom Moran spoke in support of the Chamber’s efforts to take care of and accommodate Nome’s tourists. He recalled visitors mentioning how they’ve been “treated like royalty” at the Visitors Center; however, Moran admits there are still improvements to be made.

“I think the issue is with getting people to Nome, I think maybe they are doing a less than perfect job of that, but when people get to Nome, they are doing a very good job catering to their needs.”

Despite discussion regarding the visitor center’s efforts, the resolution passed unanimously.

Another point of contention Monday night revolved around an ordinance for the sale of surplus city property to Kawerak, Inc. The specific property is currently being replatted as Block 85, Lot 3A on Sixth Avenue. With this first reading of the ordinance, Council members’ comments were kept to a minimum yet alluded to concerns over the current plan. Discussion by the Council will continue at the second reading in July.

In other business last night, an undisputed resolution was carried in the spirit of appreciation for Franklin D. Okleasik’s service to the City of Nome. Okleasik served in various capacities such as delivering water by truck, working on various public construction projects, and volunteering time and energy on the basketball court. In honor of his contributions to the community, a public road near the Bonanza Tank Farm will be dedicated in his name on July 8th.

The City Council meets next on Friday, July 1st, at noon for a special session to pass the Wells Fargo fuel loan for Nome Joint Utility.

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