Katherine Keith, in Takotna, Staying Cool Amid “Excruciating Hot”

In Takotna, Katherine Keith was taking her 24 hour layover, a welcome respite both for her dog team and, especially, for herself.

In her interview with KNOM’s Emily Schwing (above), Keith described how the warmer-than-usual temperatures, mid-way through the Iditarod trail, made for “excruciating(ly) hot” conditions for her dogs, who are accustomed to the (much colder) Arctic climate of Kotzebue, where they’re trained. She’s been running two dogs, Swift and Joy, in lead position as they make their way down the Iditarod trail.

Keith, who’s engaged to — and trains with — musher John Baker, made light of their dual status as Iditarod competitors and romantic partners. If Keith wins Iditarod 2016 first, she confirmed, she gets to pick the date of their wedding; if Baker wins, he picks.

At least for now, Baker’s in a stronger position to prevail, both in the Iditarod and on their nuptial calendar. But, as Keith also reflected, there are still two-thirds of the race yet to go.

Bush planes on river ice near Takotna
Bush planes parked Wednesday on the river near the Takotna checkpoint. Photo: Zachariah Hughes, KSKA/Alaska Public Media

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