Port Commissioner Resigns Due to Family, Business Commitments

At the latest Port Commission work session, Chairman Jim West announced the resignation of fellow commissioner Rolland Trowbridge.

Trowbridge served on the Port Commission for two years, but his experience on the water dates farther back than that. He arrived in Nome in 2008 after sailing through the Arctic. Chairman West says it was that experience that helped qualify him for the commission.

With his sailing ability coming through the Northwest Passage,” West said, “he’s seen a lot and definitely will be missed.”

At last night’s meeting, West told the commission that Trowbridge’s resignation was due to family and business commitments. West said Trowbridge thanked the commission for letting him be a part of the “premier port in the Arctic.”

A notice of vacancy has been posted, and the commissioner application period closes on March 24. The Port Commission hopes to have a new commissioner appointed at the City Council’s meeting on March 28.

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