Everything But The Kitchen Sink?

Many of us have taken various house sitting jobs over the last few months. It is always nice to get paid to keep a pet company and live in someone else’s home. The change in scenery and getting a little time away is one of my favorite things about taking these jobs, but other than it being enjoyable it also has sparked my imagination concerning what my future home may look like.

This is a big change. I have never been one to fantasize about the mansion I will someday inhabit or list objects that will furnish my castle in the sky. To tell the truth, I am a person who has a hard time understanding themselves and what they want. So, when I realized, after a few housesitting gigs, that my mind had filled in some of the blank blue print that had long occupied my mind, I was surprised. This dream is a simple one, but it turns out I can’t stop thinking about a kitchen sink.

The sink isn’t fancy, it is kind of clean, and always has a few plates in it. It would sit in front of a window and have a mat with an ambiguous design on it. I haven’t really given the minute details much thought. What I want, what occupies my mind, is the light, the dishes, and the plants that would live on the window sill. Warm water running over my hands as I wash a plate at my very own sink sounds like bliss.

As simple as this objective may seem, having a goal for myself that is not motivated by ambition, but by the want of something that will be stress relieving, is a precious thing to now possess. But until this lofty goal can be achieved, I will just have to enjoy doing dishes in the sink in front of me, and pay more attention to what I may want for my future.

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