Where In The World Is Mitch’s Blog?

I really do not have much to share with you readers at this time around.

It’s my turn to contribute to this biweekly volunteer blog, but while life remains busy as ever — both at KNOM and in Nome — I’m struggling with some writer’s block. In lieu of my lack of anecdotes, I have written this list of things that you can do until my next blog in 13 days.

  • Listen to all the music you have been meaning to get to but haven’t for some reason. I know I am always years behind on the music game.
  • Go for a walk; every season has its charm, no matter how cold or wet it may be outside.
  • Drink more water; I know you’re not drinking enough.
  • Write a letter and make an interesting envelope.
  • Chill with some dogs or an animal of your choice.
  • Take a nap; you have earned it.
  • Watch season 2 of Fargo and Netflix’s Beasts of No Nation; they are both phenomenal!

All right, readers, I hope that list helps you through these trying times. Until then, stay cool, keep an eye out for Carmen Sandiego, and drive safe.

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