KNOM Exchange: Adult Education

On the Exchange for January 21st, we focused on adult education in the Norton Sound region. Guests on the show were Carol Gales, Miranda Musich, and Patti Lillie from UAF’s Northwest Campus, and Ron Huffman, MaryJane Litchard, and Pamela Cushman from Kawerak’s Education, Training, and Employment Division. We had a call from Jeanette in Savoonga about the necessity to better prepare students for college life while in high school, and an online comment from Reva in Nome about the importance of traditional and vocational education. If you would like to hear the program, you can do so now using the link above.

This week on KNOM’s exchange, we’re talking about non-traditional students: the opportunities they have and the challenges they face in this region. 

A person may return to school for a variety of reasons. It could be to earn a degree, for professional development, or just to take a class for fun. Whether you are currently a non-traditional student or are thinking about enrolling in a few classes, we want to hear from you.

  • Are you an adult or other non-traditional student continuing your education?
  • Do you feel that lifelong learning is important?
  • What challenges do you face as a non-traditional student?
  • What are you interested in learning? What classes or educational opportunities could best support your learning?


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