KNOM Exchange: Reflections and Resolutions for Your Radio Station

The Exchange for Jan. 7 is over. We celebrated the good programming, reporting, and music that KNOM aired in 2015. And with the help of our listeners, we received valuable feedback and suggestions on how the station can improve in the New Year.

Our callers included Joe in Nome, who suggested we air more radio dramas, and Roger in White Mountain, who complimented some of our deejays and shared feedback on how different timing might improve listenership for the Exchange.

We also received online comments from William in Nome, who would like to hear more country and rock music; Josie in Nome, who wants more of the music request show and had suggestions on how to make our weather reports more useful; and Betsy in Nome, who is looking for more local and regional news.

And the conversation isn’t over. If you have more ideas on how KNOM can serve you and your community better, please reach out and let us know. We’d love to hear from you anytime.

It’s a new year. So this week on KNOM Exchange, we’re reflecting on the last year and making resolutions for the upcoming one. To do that, we need your feedback:

  • What do you like about KNOM?
  • What were your favorite news stories, programs, and music in 2015?
  • How can KNOM serve Western Alaska better in the New Year?
  • What do you want more of when you listen to the station? What changes would you like to see in 2016?

Call in with your ideas on KNOM Exchange this Thursday, Jan. 7 at 10 a.m. You can also share your feedback online.

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