Forget the Forecast

It really hasn’t snowed very much — or been very cold yet. Talking to people around town, I keep hearing that the sea ice was already in at this time last year and that it looks like another light season for snow. Overall, nobody seems too impressed so far.

For me, though, it’s still really exciting to experience my first winter in Alaska. I know the truly frigid temperatures will come. So will more consistent snowfall.

And until then, it’s lovely to see the subtle ways winter has swept over Nome. Ice skaters and hockey players descend on the rink near our house every evening, and parents pull their kids down the street by sled after school lets out. Everyone also seems to have started tooling about town and running their errands by snowmachine.

It’s neat to watch the small adjustments people make as winter starts to settle in. But at the same time, it’s amazing to see how no one lets it hold them back.

People add a few extra layers and then go about their business. Runners just strap on ice cleats before they brave the blowing snow, and no one seems to have abandoned their four-wheelers in favor of heated cars.

More than anything, though, people make plans — so many plans —to make sure nothing stops them from spending time with family and friends. Especially not a wash of poor weather.

The recent Fireman’s Carnival was easily the best-attended event I’ve seen in Nome yet, and there are potlucks and Christmas concerts and craft bazaars happening everyday. Everywhere I go, there’s a really wonderful sense of community as everyone resolves to enjoy the holiday season no matter the forecast.

So as I prepare for the real bitter cold and snow, I’m looking forward to spending winter in Nome and watching all the ways life changes — and doesn’t.

A charming cluster of stop signs not far from the center of town. Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM.
A charming cluster of snowy stop signs not far from the center of town. Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM.
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