Koyuk Man Found ‘Alive and Well’ After Going Missing Sunday Night

SEARCHERS HAVE LOCATED a Koyuk man who had been missing since Sunday night.

Jeffery Kimoktoak, 26, was found “alive and well” near Salmon Creek, about 60 miles north of Elim, just before 8 p.m. on Tuesday, according to a dispatch from Alaska State Troopers.

Kimoktoak was traveling alone by snowmachine from Nome to Koyuk on Sunday. He got as far as Isaac’s Point before a ground storm hid the trailhead and forced him to stop in Elim. After making a second attempt at the trail around 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, Kimoktoak was neither seen nor heard from. He was reported missing to Troopers on Tuesday morning.

Troopers joined rescue efforts started by ground searchers from Elim and Koyuk, as did members of the Rescue Coordination Center and Alaska National Guard. Aerial searches were conducted as well.

Kimoktoak was eventually found by searchers from Elim. He did not have shelter, and Troopers said he made fires to stay warm. Kimoktoak was returned to Elim with no reported injuries.

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