KNOM Exchange: Climate Change

The Exchange for November 11th is now over.  Our discussion on climate change ranged from the effects of depleting sea ice, community adaptation to a changing enviroment, the migration of new species into Western Alaska, and many other ways climate change is affecting those who live in this region.

Thank you to our guests Charlie Lean, a Fisheries Biologist who has been a Nome resident for 40 years  and Tony Weyiouanna from Kawerak, who helped form the Shishmaref Erosion and Relocation Coalition.  Both sharing their unique expertise and experiences concerning the effects of climate change.

Our Callers included Dilbert in Savoonga, who told us of the struggle his community is experiencing due to a lack of sea ice and how that is effecting subsistence hunting on St. Lawrence Island.  Carol in Golovin,  spoke of advice from Elders who warned of coming changes and Golovin’s experience with erosion. Anahma from Nome, who gave her input as Kawerak’s Environmental Coordinator concerning how residents can report any changes to a Local Enviromental Observer. Steve from Unalakleet spoke about recent storms that have affected this region and urge the sharing of traditional knowledge.

This week on Exchange, we are talking about the changing climate and how it is affecting Western Alaska.

Join us this Thursday, November 12th at 10 am to discuss:

  • What changes do you see in the weather and your environment?
  • What changes, if any, have you observed in the abundance or behavior of wildlife?
  • Have your subsistence hunting and gathering been affected?
  • Have you noticed a change in your daily routine due to climate change?

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