8 Ball Corner Pocket?

I have been told that it is always good to have goals. Big, small, exciting, or mundane — it is always good to be working towards something. I am happy to say that I have a new goal, and that goal is to improve my skill level when shooting pool.

I want to be able to look at the chaos of a billiards table and think to myself, “The blue ball should go in a straight line towards that pocket.” Then when I lean up against the table and strike the cue ball, I want it not to weakly wobble in the opposite direction I intended.

I might not be that bad, but I am pretty terrible. I am not a defeatist when it comes to this game, though. I have so much fun playing, and it is so vindicating to land a shot that you meant to sink rather than relying on luck. The pie-in-the-sky goal is to play in the Iditarod pool tournament and last longer than the first round. Who knows if that is possible, but a guy can dream.

The atmosphere of where I play pool also is an attractive feature to the game. The only pool tables in town are located in some of the watering holes, and it is nice to be able to play pool in the middle of the week without worrying that I will have to wait in a crowded place. It is decently dark, everyone minds their own business, and terribly great music plays in the background.

There is no pressure to be good, and it feels like I could be in the movie the “The Hustler.” It is great, and I love places with this kind of atmosphere. Whether it is a bar, diner, or gas station, I like things on the dark quirky side.

When I am playing pool, no matter the quality of my playing, I’m able to focus. And it is also such an affordable hobby to have! I think a game of pool is the only thing I have found to be cheaper in Nome than in the Lower 48. Fifty cents a game! You can’t beat that price!

When thinking about this hobby or goal, it seems really minuscule. But it is one of those small things that relieves stress and keeps me sane. So if you’re looking to play a game of pool or if you have any pointers, let me know. You can find me pretty easily — I am the guy who doesn’t know what he is doing and who is humming the Jim Croce song “ You Don’t Mess Around With Jim.”

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