NSEDC Releases Unofficial Results for Board Election

NSEDC has released the unofficial results from recent elections, which had locals from five communities vote on their representatives for the corporation’s board.

The Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation has board members from its 15 member communities around the region. And last week, the seats serving Nome, Elim, Savoonga, Teller, and St. Michael were up on local ballots.

While newcomer Patrick Johansen defeated Don Stiles for Nome’s board seat, incumbents claimed victory in Elim, Savoonga, and Teller.

Oscar Takak Sr. will continue to represent Elim after defeating Lewis Nakarak. In Savoonga, Truman Kava was re-elected to the board, beating Preston Rookuk and Danny Pungowiyi. Teller’s Joe Garnie also kept his seat after running unopposed.

St. Michael, however, saw a tie between incumbent Milton Cheemuk and newcomer Frankie Myomick. The City of St. Michael will hold a tiebreaker next week after the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention.

NSEDC will confirm the election results and swear in new members at their board meeting in November.

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