Unalakleet Girl ‘Severely Injured’ in Dog Attack

A 7-year-old girl in Unalakleet was severely injured in a dog attack Sunday—and had to be medevaced to Anchorage for her injuries.

In an online dispatch Alaska State Troopers say the girl, who was not named, was petting a tethered dog in a dog lot near her home, along the Unalakleet beach. Troopers say that dog, in addition to a second loose dog that was not tied up, attacked her.

Troopers say an adult bystander—unrelated to the girl—intervened and stopped the attack. The child was brought to the community clinic for “severe injuries” to her face and neck before being medevaced to Anchorage for further treatment.

The mauling was reported to Troopers shortly after 11 p.m. Sunday. Trooper spokesperson Tim DeSpain said, as of Tuesday, no charges are anticipated against anyone involved in the incident. He adds that the dogs were not rabid and Troopers have no past reports “indicating the animals were violent.”

Troopers said the dogs, both huskies, were killed by their owner on Monday.

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