High Fuel Prices Prompt $575 Energy Subsidy Through NSEDC

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Every household in the Norton Sound region will be able to save $575 in energy costs this year. In response to locked in high fuel prices, Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation’s Board of Directors voted to issue an energy subsidy to each household in its 15 member communities.

Board member Don Stiles made the motion. He said, “Communities throughout the region are stuck with high energy costs while the rest of the country is benefiting from low prices in fuel.”

In 2008, 2012 and 2014, NSEDC issued $500 energy subsidies to roughly 2,700 households in the region. This year, they’re expected to pay out more than $1.5 million to local energy utilities. NSEDC staff will begin facilitating the sign up process and aim to have the payments made in April, and families will see the savings in their monthly electric bills.

NSEDC board member Harvey Sookaiyak said, “We are literally locked in with our high fuel price from last summer and this initiative will help residents focus on priorities outside their utility bill.”

NSEDC notes that this subsidy is a one-time contribution—not a continuing program.

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