7 Months in Nome: A Mixtape

More than any other sense I think I’m most affected by sound. I guess that’s obvious considering my choice in aspiring career. But I definitely catalog my life by albums and songs of a certain time.

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting. Thinking. Worrying. I’ve past my halfway point here. About 7 months down. 5 ish months to go.

I remember the first time I got into the KNOM volunteer car for a weekend drive. Day 2, still jetlagged and wide eyed and taking it all in. I climbed into the car on the way to Salmon Lake and Lil Wayne started playing. And for reasons I will never fully understand, it was the most comforting thing that had happened in those 2 days. To be reminded that even when you are so displaced and so far away from everything you know, how easily it is to feel so connected.

I’ll remember reveling in high school nostalgia and shouting along with Francesca to Mixtape by Brand New on a snowy drive on the Dexter bypass road.

I’ll remember Taylor Swift’s newest album 1989 defining fall of this year. In the car, in the house, in my headphones at work. I’ll remember watching the sunset as I drove home from working at the pool, listening to Wonderland (it’s a bonus edition cut, highly recommended) back to back to back.

I’ll remember feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and awe attending the Kingikmiut Dance Festival in Wales.

I’ll remember sunny days aimlessly driving to clear my head, listening to No Children by the Mountain Goats from a mixtape left behind by last years volunteers.

I’ll remember driving to Teller on a foggy, fall day listening to Ticket to Ride by the Beatles.

I’ll remember the one week when everyone in the house decided to learn “Fare Thee Well” (made popular by the Inside Llewyn Davis Soundtrack) on the guitar/banjo and I almost hated that song forever.

I’ll remember Kristin belting along to Rivers and Roads by The Head and the Heart in the kitchen.

Its funny, the sounds and songs we attach to experiences. Never did I think Taylor Swift would be the background music to my year in Alaska, but I love it just the same. And how these songs and many more will remind me of this unique and wild year in my life.