Sounding Board: Cellphones in Western Alaska—What Do They Mean to You?


Our September 4 episode of Sounding Board, “Cellphones in Western Alaska: What Do They Mean to You?” is over. Thank you to our listeners who shared their thoughts with phone calls and emails.

We had calls from Joanne in Unalakleet—who talked about the importance of having a cellphone in case of an emergency, and Marjorie in Nome—she thinks cellphones are a huge benefit and said she believes everyone in rural Alaska needs access to the latest technology. We received emails from Jonathan in Nome—who listens to audiobooks on his iPhone and highlighted how smartphones can be used for education, David in Nome—who uses his smartphone basically as a computer and would welcome the update to a 3G network, Richard in Nome—who also uses his phone mostly for data and hopes AT&T will update to 3G or 4G in the future, and Lew in Nome—who mentioned the danger of getting absorbed in your cellphone and not being aware of the world around you.

The show also featured interviews from David Morris, GCI’s vice president and spokesperson, regarding the 3G upgrade coming to Nome, Unalakleet and Kotzebue this fall; and John from Elim, who said his family has one phone for reception out in the country and one phone for communication in town.

Missed the show? Listen to the full episode above and tune in next Thursday, September 11 at 10 a.m. for another Sounding Board on KNOM.

Hello…? Hello…?

If you can hear this, we want to hear from you about that beeping device in your pocket.

New 3G services are moving into Nome and surrounding areas this fall, but cellphones are still relatively new to Western Alaska. We want to know what this change means to you and how you utilize this expanding technology.

Tune into Sounding Board this Thursday, September 4 at 10 a.m. and join the conversation! Not going to be near a radio this Thursday? Feel free to email us at or use that cellphone to tweet us your thoughts at @KNOM.

  • Is your cellphone always in your pocket, or do you hesitate to embrace this new technology?
  • Have you ever needed your cellphone for safety, or do you think of it as an unnecessary distraction?
  • How do you communicate with others, both personally and professionally?
  • If you have a cellphone, what do you use it for?
  • How might your communication change with access to a wider network?

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