Rampart Spill Clean-Up on Hold as Village Council Waits for Funding

The Rampart fuel spill response is on hold as the Village Council waits on grant funding to continue clean-up.

Floyd Green is the First Chief of the Rampart Village Council. He said the council has “applied for a Brown Fuel Grant to finish the clean-up and turn it into a community place.”

Green says the Council is applying for the grant through the Yukon Intertribal Watershed Council.

Meanwhile, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has placed the spill zone in its Contaminated Sites Program after the fuel soaked too deep in the soil to excavate.

Tom DeRuyter is the DEC On-Scene Coordinator and explained the transfer saying, “The initial response actions had been completed. There were still significant amounts of fuel left in the ground, and that would require long-term treatment.”

About 2,750 gallons of diesel fuel spilled last April near the Rampart Airport after a tanker trailer owned by the Rampart Village Council rolled off a snow-covered road.

DeRuyter said the tanker along with the contaminated snow, vegetation, and topsoil has been removed, and the Contaminated Sites Program is monitoring the area’s resources.

Chief Green says there has been no reports of affected wildlife. The spill site sits approximately 150 yards from the Yukon River.

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