Morning Show Photo Contest

Whether it’s the beauty of the landscape, the wildlife, your time at fish camp, or an adventure with family and friends, summertime in Western Alaska is filled with potential images to capture at every turn!

The KNOM Morning Show is now accepting entries for our new photo contest. Our theme is “Summertime in Western Alaska.” A different image will be chosen weekly and featured on our website, and a different prize will be awarded every week to the winning photographer.

All ages are welcome to participate. However, if under 18, consent from a parent or guardian is required. No photos of children under 18 will be considered.

Our first featured photo will be revealed Friday, June 20th, then every following Friday through August 1st, 2014. Contest ends July 31st, 2014. 

Tune in after 9am news and weather to hear the week’s winner.

Any questions, email Daynee Rosales: psa [at]

Good luck!

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