Chocolate Banana Breakfast Quinoa

Happy Wednesday!! The sun is shining, life is good, and Breakfast Wednesday took a bit of a twist!

I decided to try out a new recipe, quite different from what we would normally think of as breakfast foods. I found this fairly simple recipe online, and was intrigued at how quinoa was not just the lunch/dinner food I thought it to be. It’s even more versatile than I ever imagined!

I followed the instructions, just multiplying it a bit to accommodate for more potential stomachs. I added a bit of extra honey on top, and we discovered it’s really good when adding some nut butter too. You can add almost anything you want- apples, crasins, walnuts, strawberries, rasins, cinnamon, almonds- it’s a pretty flexible recipe, kind of like oatmeal. Try it out! The link’s below. Happy eating!

Chocolate Breakfast Banana Quinoa Recipe

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