Tackling drug use in the studio

A key part of KNOM’s mission statement is to engage our listeners.

Through your support, we strive not only to entertain Western Alaska but to interact with those we serve: to start and sustain conversations on topics and events that are impacting the communities of our region. Sometimes, these are difficult – but no less rewarding – conversations to have.

In late March, KNOM news volunteer Zachariah Hughes spearheaded a special, hour-long show dealing with the emergent problem of synthetic drugs, a new class of narcotics that is spreading across the nation – including, unfortunately, even to rural Alaska. These synthetic drugs go by many names – among them, “spice” – and as a post on our website described, they’ve proven “hard to combat and ex- tremely volatile and unpredictable for users.”

Zach’s special news show brought together representatives from various local organizations, from healthcare providers to law enforcement to regional tribal entities, to talk about how synthetic drugs are impacting our region.

We know the program sparked discussions and awareness throughout our listening area. Online, we’re confident the show will continue to do good; we posted the entire hour-long program here, alongside a list of contacts for treatment and for counseling for those grappling with drug abuse. We encourage you to listen to the show.