Breakfast Wednesday: Ze Ultimate Casserole

After A break through March race season, Breakfast Wednesday returned to the KNOM Morning Show today with the grandest entrance we could think of: the ultimate breakfast casserole.

Think Edmund Dantes reintroducing himself to Parisian society as the Count of Monte Cristo by descending upon them on a hot air balloon with fireworks crackling in the background. Who’s ready to cause some major mayhem and achieve gastronomical justice? It was life-changing. We laughed. We cried. We lost 15 lbs.* I was there. Tara was there. Megan from CAMP was there. And a lot of you were there, too. But if you weren’t, that’s okay. The only thing you’d miss is that we were also giving away clementines to take with you for a healthy snack later. But you can make this for yourself at home. Experience the magic.

*just kidding. we most certainly did not loose 15 lbs.


3 lbs of Yukon gold potatoes

1 medium onion

3 peppers (red, green, yellow)

2 cups of mushrooms.

A dozen eggs

8 stripes of turkey bacon

1 package of shredded cheddar cheese

4 tbsp of steak sauce or Worchester Sauce

Olive Oil, Pepper, sweet paprika, dried mustard and salt to taste

(for the ultimate CAMP challenge: cut salt all together)

STEP 1: Heat oven to 500 degrees F.

STEP 2: Coarsely chop all the things. Seriously. Chop it. The potatoes, peppers,  onions, to any size you want. I prefer everything on the smaller side, potatoes no more than an inch in diameter. Keep the skins on: there’s fiber there.

HACK: keep onion refrigerated overnight to prevent the tears and smell.

STEP 3: Flavor your potatoes with Worcester sauce and spices.

STEP 4: oil a large pan. Use enough so your ingredients don’t stick, but not so much that would make our resident nutritionist cry on the inside.

STEP 5: bake potatoes for 10 minutes. Add the vegetables and bake for 20 more minutes (if you cook them all at once the onions might get burned. Also, adding them later makes the peppers a little crunchier, less soggy)

HACK: 10+20=30 mins in oven. You’re welcome. While your casserole is baking, perform

STEP 6: pull out your biggest pan, PAM it or olive oil it, and scramble a dozen eggs. For those of you wondering how to scramble eggs, here’s what my older sister told me when I was seven: “you crack the egg and cook it. Now go make me a sandwich.”

Season them. Leave them a little watery. They will finish baking when you throw them in the oven. You can also cook your eggs with the rest of the casserole but you will need a proper container for it (a deep one) which we did not have. Also, keep in mind that we were making this for a large group of people, not a family of 4.

STEP 7: fry your turkey bacon. (kinda like the egg, but with the bacon)

STEP 8: Assemble! After the potatoes have been in the oven for 30 mins, spread your scrambled eggs on top, then your chopped turkey bacon, then your cheese. Place back in the oven for 5-10 minutes or until the cheese has melted.

This feeds a lot of people. Like, a lot. Feel free to adjust the ingredients. This is good to make for big gatherings or to refrigerate and eat over time.

The rest, as they say, is history. Enjoy!