Matt Failor, in Takotna, on enduring a “wild ride”

“That has to be, hands down, the hardest Iditarod trail anyone’s ever seen,” Matt Failor told KNOM in Takotna on Wednesday afternoon.

Failor was describing the extremely rough, largely snow-free trail, leading into Rohn and Nikolai, that’s given so many mushers trouble over the past few days.

In his interview with Laureli Kinneen, Failor outlined the extent of the damage to his sled, which seemed to take the brunt of the hard trail’s abuse.

His trail experience didn’t seem to shake the good mood from the Willow, Alaska musher, however. With Laureli, Failor said “that was by far the wildest ride I’ve ever encountered on a sled… on anything, (even) a roller-coaster… but we did it, and it was somewhat fun.”

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