On her 24 hr. layover in Takotna, Zirkle: “I haven’t looked at anyone’s teams but mine.”

Aliy Zirkle was the first into takotna last night, just after 7pm. After some well-deserved rest for her dogs and herself, Zirkle is focused on surveying her team, making plans for their departure coming later this evening.

Chatting with KNOM late this morning, Aliy shared her plan to keep sights on her own dogs. “I haven’t looked at anyone’s team but mine.” She feels like Takotna is not far enough into the race to begin evaluating her competition. She is, though, in a good spot to survey her team, see what they need, what they’re up for, and judge her move appropriately.

When does she begin sizing up the other mushers and their dogs? Once they hit the coast. Considering the others, spread far and wide on the trail taking their 24 hour layovers, it’s even hard to see where you are in the standings. That will come later.

First into Takotna last night, Aliy will be the first to leave of those who declared their layovers there, after her differential is factored in. Expect a departure in the 9pm hour tonight.

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