A Year (or two) in Review

Josh Made This is Our First WeeksHow does one encapsulate a year (or two) of growth? I have to admit that I’ve been up late over the past couple weeks trying to process what has transpired – not only during my time at KNOM but also during my first year of service in Ohio.

Not so long ago, I remember getting that feeling. You know, the one where you want to go out and change the world? The call to drop everything and make a difference? I remember going out to dinner with a friend before I went off to volunteer. I shared my passion to do good, to love. But it’s been much more than that.

At KNOM, I have learned how to be a broadcaster, how to write news stories and how to conduct interviews on a larger scale. I have also learned compassion, how to love strangers and the gift of just being present. But most of all, I  have learned humility. Humility to recognize that, yes, I can change the world, but it starts with me.

I’ve come to know myself and live through joys and sorrows with others during my service. Thank you for walking with me during my time at KNOM and helping support me as I continue my journey.


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