Communicorn (n.) A Community unicorn; a toy unicorn shared by a community; a community-centered unicorn that excels in the field of mass communications.
See also, unicorns (magical creature), and The Unicorns (band).
Donated to the KNOM Volunteer house by our late music director, the Communicorn comes to us with a wide range of talents. He is soft against your skin, makes fun noises when you press his nose, laughs, smiles, and entertains thousands on KNOM, from 6am-10am.
Wait. What?
August is a time for transition at KNOM. Old volunteers go, new volunteers come. And while I wait to welcome my new Morning Show co-host, I’ve been doing my best to make the transition as smooth as possible with a series of guests on the show. One of my star guests in Lucus’ absence last week was none other than Communicorn.

Eva and I love communicorn. He is like our child. (shhh… it’s not weird!)
I’ve bonded with Communicorn and hope to have him on the show again sometime in the near future. I cannot ask too much of him though. Just look at him. He is too young, a baby, some may say, and not exactly the “working kind,” not in the sense of manual labor. His hands are small and working the sounding board is hard on him. Unless assisted, he moves at a speed of zero miles per hour. His regular line of work is more about cheering people up. Communicorn’s primarily motivation in life is to make you feel better when you are going through a rough time.
He’s had his hands busy lately. After a week of hard work, Eva and I decided to reward Communicorn with a trip to Salmon Lake. He was very kind and patient as Eva navigated through the tough dirt roads. At one point, Eva drove up hill backwards to avoid a giant mud ditch. We arrived to the lake around 11pm, with the sun preparing to set.
It was nice and quiet. Eva and I sat back and let Communicorn roam about on his own.
He picked berries.
He tried to swim… and was rescued by Eva.
(Because, as we all know, unicorns can’t swim)
…and still had enough time to take a family picture before heading back home. Good day.
Coomunicorn, Eva and I have been on our share of adventures, Salmon Lake quickly climbing the ranks. The communicorn and I are going to miss Eva very much.
I cannot begin to thank her for everything she’s done in her time in Nome. From taking Communicorn on walks with me, to nursing him back to health, to feeding him, to disciplining him. What a capricious child. Raising a healthy Unicorn takes a community effort, and I’m glad I didn’t have to do it alone.
This has been a great year. Eva, I think we made awesome unicorn parents.