Birds are nesting and salmon are moving upriver as muskoxen roam about, looking for food in small groups. Caribou and reindeer feed on the lush tundra, and bears sit riverside, ready for a fish feast.
In Western Alaska during the summer, wildlife truly are both wild and lively – and, often, nearby, in close proximity to the residents of our region (who are also listeners of KNOM Radio). For this reason, KNOM’s summertime broadcasts are often peppered with official reports on wildlife – and especially on the runs of various species of salmon, a subsistence food upon which so many in our region depend.
Our goal, as always, is to keep everyone informed and safe.
Meanwhile, as our 2012-2013 KNOM volunteers finish their terms of service, we are busy welcoming, and preparing for, the new class of young professionals who will serve our mission in the 2013-2014 service year. (You’ll find more about our four new volunteers in our August newsletter.) We ask that you please pray for them and their future endeavors. Their mission-minded dedication serves listeners spread out over 100,000 square miles of remote Alaska.