
The time of transition has arrived. One of our dear volunteers, Josh, has ventured forth finishing his year of service at KNOM and moving on to new and unique ventures. My beloved news team co-conspirator, Eva, is leaving next week. I head out only a couple of weeks behind her. While there is sadness, however, there is  joy. Emily our new volunteer has arrived. It feels like she’s been here for months already. She has so naturally fit into our home and into the Late Afternoon Show.

Upon Emily’s arrival, all the volunteers bombarded her with information about Nome, the radio station, our work, our lives, where things are, hopes, fears, and challenges that we experienced. This was all in hopes to pass on some advice and love to show she is not alone in taking on a new role and all that comes with it.

One evening, Emily and I were talking about coming to Nome with expectations – of KNOM, Nome and the volunteer house. I shared with her that I had created a list of “to do’s” that I wanted to accomplish while I was in Alaska. Coming from a year of service where I lived and worked in the same house, I was ready to make some minor changes to my life. I remember sitting down in my room that I shared with a 57-year-old volunteer and writing about my dreams for my next venture to Nome.

1)See the Aurora Borealis


3)Spend time in community

4)Take personal time

5)Live simply



Hiking at -30 degrees. BRRR!

Taking a rest after hiking up the face of Anvil Mountain

Hiking in 80 degree weather

Hiking in early summer in flip-flops!

Watching the sun set without trees in the way

A beautiful sunset sky in fall 2012

Community Adventures in Winter

Community couch time

While I may not check off all the items on my to-do list in Nome before I leave Nome, I am thankful that I was able to accomplish many of them. These experiences were available as an opportunity to learn and grow. A chance to step outside my comfort zone. For that I am forever grateful.

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