I’m a professional…

I’ve come to realize that I am a professional at many things — meaning, I have a variety of talents that I’ve dabbled in over the years.

Before coming to KNOM, I had quite a few job titles. I taught martial arts. I worked as Elmo and the Pink Panther. I was a backup dancer at bar mitzvahs. I taught aerobics at an assisted living home. I was a personal trainer. I was a babysitter. I cleaned houses.

And while my resume certainly speaks to my versatility and adventurous nature, I have to say KNOM takes the cake when it comes to the most titles in one job.

I’m a sportscaster.

Lucus and Margaret hard at work, compiling the last update for the K300 in Studio B.

Margaret and Lucus giving the final K300 update in Studio A. Photo by Josh.

I’m a reporter.

Memorial Day Parade

Reporting on a recycling event in Nome

And most recently, I’m a DJ.

Getting ready to play the next song

Hosting my mentor – aka Joshua Cunningham of the Late Afternoon Show Fame

Talking up the Friday Night Shuffle

Role reversal

Deejaying at its best

Oh, and I’ve hosted call-in shows, voiced PSAs and even sang …

Sounding Board

I realize that my resume continues to grow in length as my time at KNOM comes to a close soon. When I do leave at the end of next month, I’ll have completed jobs that I never thought I’d ever have the opportunity or maybe even the ability to accomplish.

In the end, it’s not the destination, but the journey. Not the amount of job titles I have, but the experiences that went along with them, and of course, growth.

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