Prayers for Ezio, and the latest with our volunteers

We ask for prayers for Ezio Tozzi, father of KNOM board president Father Ross Tozzi, and the entire Tozzi family. May God richly bless and guide them. Thank you.

All five KNOM volunteers are busy writing, producing and voicing exceptional radio programming.

Eva DeLappe visited Nome’s Quyanna Care Center to cover the opening of the facility, including interviews with elders and caring staff.

Dayneé Rosales just returned from a village trip to Diomede Island with reports and pictures of her trip.

Margaret DeMaioribus has been covering critical organizational meetings and presentations.

Lucus Keppel has been working with local voice talent, producing inspirational spots.

And Josh Cunningham has been cataloguing and recording music for the KNOM library. (He also brightens our day with his charm and wonderful sense of humor.)

We are so blessed! We thank everyone who makes their work possible.

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