Be Your Best!

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be at my best. Thinking back, I feel that I identified being at my best with accomplishing something – a small task or even a big feat. As I look at my time here at KNOM, I think it’s a bit different. 

I love adventure and to travel and learn about others and their cultures. What better place than Western Alaska to experience this?

Thinking at My Best
Pondering at the frozen sea…
Coming to Alaska to a place I’d never seen or been to is a step toward me at my authentic self; however, being detail-oriented, it is hard to feel at my best when I’m new at something because it means making lots of mistakes. I’ve done plenty of that, and I’m still making plenty of them, but I’ve come so far since September because of all the things I haven’t done perfectly. Being in Nome, I’ve pushed myself to do things I may never have had confidence in myself to do – travel to new locations by myself and try to get a story from people I’d never met in a community I’d never seen; lead a Church congregation in song as a cantor each weekend (I’ve never been able to sing in front of even one person before); read news to thousands of people who I will never meet; share about myself with complete strangers. It’s been humbling and hard. I’ve been stretched and I still continue to be. But at this point in my life, in this year, with my strengths and weaknesses out on the table, I am truly at my best. 
Snow Angels on the Ocean
Snow Angels on the Ocean
Here’s a clip of the first sled-dog race I covered recently. I can hear the difference in reporting since I first got here, certainly my best for now!
When do you feel at your best?
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