Framily Thanksgiving!

Hanging with the CommUnicorn
Josh, Margaret, and Eva hang out with the CommUnicorn, our unofficial volunteer house mascot.

While the rest of the world enjoys their Black Friday shopping, we in the KNOM “Framily” are enjoying a relaxing post-Thanksgiving day. Daynee and I are on air, and most of the rest of the volunteers are sleeping off our wonderful thanksgiving dinner, where we joined with the Schmidt family and others for a true Framily feast. What is this word Framily I keep using? It’s friends who are like family – and it’s a great word to describe the sense of comraderie and, yes, family amongst the station employees.

Lucus and Ric at the Schmidt Framily Thanksgiving
I got to sit at the “kid’s table” with Ric! Really, I’m just on a short but super comfortable chair.

The sense of connection was huge this year. On Wednesday, I joined with the Nome Ministerial Association for the Community Thanksgiving Service, and read the scripture, along with my counterpart from the other Christian radio station in town. The ecumenical (inter-denominational cooperation) nature of the service was a great feeling as well – the various ministers from the Protestant and Catholic churches in town, along with their families (if any) working together for the good of the community – it’s brings a wonderful warmth to my heart.

Daynee and Lucus with the turkey
The turkey looks fantastic as Daynee and I pose. Note the fork in my left hand! I’ve just tested it to make certain it was done (the juices ran clear!)

The next morning, Thanksgiving itself, I was able to prepare a turkey for the XYZ Senior Center Community Thanksgiving Event. I’ve helped my family make turkey in the past, but this was my first “solo turkey” and it was a lot of fun! I didn’t get the turkey in time to brine it, but I did apply kosher salt liberally to the outside of the bird. I stuffed it with apples, pears, and onions, chopped into quarters. It came out beautifully – at least it looked so. Since it was for the community center, I didn’t try it at home, and took a nap right through the community event – which was a good thing, since I was able to stay awake throughout the evening thanksgiving celebration.

After my nap, I had a chance to Skype with my family at their thanksgiving dinner with the neighbors, and was passed around from one neighbor to another – a great chance to say hello to friends and family in the Lower 48. Technology has really made the holiday experience more fun from a distance – since you can simultaneously be in Nome and in Michigan (or wherever your family happens to be!)

We volunteers did do one other thing for this thanksgiving – we ALL went on the air at 5:00, sharing stories of our times together and about our life as volunteers at KNOM. It was a lot of fun to hear everyone’s voice at once, and to contribute to the conversation!

Margaret and Lucus in Studio C
Coffee? Soundproofing? We’re all set to go on the air!

This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for my “framily”, inclusive of those I’m related to as well as new additions through close friendships. What are you thankful for? Let me know in the comments below!




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