Rainbows, Sunshine & Lollipops

A full rainbow outside our house!
A full rainbow outside our house!

Living in community –

Often people visualize crazy drama and arguments. Real World, anyone? I am so happy to say that the KNOM community house is lightyears away from such notions.

Our community meetings discuss such serious issues as where to adventure on the weekends & when we’re going grocery shopping. Where are the cameras when you need them?

Our work days consist of breaks by the water cooler (aka the teapot) grabbing snacks & jumping up & down in the “Batcave”, that is, Eva’s office. Sometimes we pop over & hang out with David, although he’s very busy, and even sing the “Captain Planet” theme song to Laura, who has graciously accepted the position of our alter-egos’ leader.

Evenings & weekends are more relaxed. There’s nothing like putting on some dance hits & decorating the house together or, perhaps, singing “Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows” together by the piano. The most common occurence in our house: coming home to some delicious, healthy food, a cup of tea, pajamas & Golden Girls. Sorry to disappoint, “Jersey Shore.”

Being a volunteer is about simplifying life & enjoying the truly finer things: great food & great company. As Josh & Eva say, “We’re all ingredients in a cake, held together by love.”


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