Crazy Weeks Ahead

The past couple of weeks and the next few weeks have been, and I anticipate will be, kind of crazy. I’ve been making significant headway in getting my responsibilities wrapped up, and will continue with the effort; but there has also been a lot of non-work related crazy going on. I went to two different cookouts this past weekend, and anticipate a couple more this coming weekend. The weather the last couple days has been devastatingly dreary, cold and rainy, but the sun peeks out every once in a while. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with the new KNOM volunteer Josh, who will be replacing me in the Music Director position. It will be nice to have a new person at the volunteer house. It’s getting a bit echo-y in there. I anticipate that the craziness of my last two weeks here in Alaska will make for a much more interesting and entertaining blog post on my next post in two weeks.

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