Sounding Board

This week I was the first mic on Sounding Board, a weekly call-in talk show that we do here at KNOM. First mic means that I was responsible for choosing a topic, doing research and interviews, and for leading the show. As a volunteer who is not in the news department, and thus does not have tons of interviewing practice, I have to say that Sounding Board kind of freaks me out.  This week though, I had a great topic: the housing shortage and overcrowding in homes in Western Alaska. I spent a great deal of time this week preparing for the show, and am relieved now that it is over! In my opinion, the show went well. We had a caller within the first couple of minutes of the start, (which never happens for me. Usually I’m begging for a caller for the first twenty minutes or longer!) And we had some good discussion of the topic! Now I don’t have to do another sounding board for about a month, fingers crossed for another great topic!

Also going on this week:  most of the permanent staff are in Las Vegas for a conference! This means a lot of covering of responsibilities for those of us still here in Nome, but it has been fun learning more about what my co-workers’ jobs, and all the things that they do that keep this station running!

Spring is here in Nome, and with it comes lots and lots of snow melt, creating either tiny lakes or large puddles on the roads, and mega-mud!  It is no longer safe to traverse a snow bank without sinking all the way to the bottom!  But you enjoy the puddles, mud and weakened snow banks to savor and enjoy the glorious sunshine and warmer temperatures!  Before I came to Nome 30 degrees was pretty cold, now it’s no jacket light sweater weather!  Love this Spring weather, I hope it stays for awhile!

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