Throwin’ Out the Welcome Mat(ty)

Welcome to the KNOM blog. My name is Matty, and I am one of the four current volunteers working at KNOM Radio in Nome.  My birth name is actually Matthew, but I rarely go by that name, which is fortunate because one of the other current volunteers is also named Matthew.  I’ve been told here and there by listeners of KNOM that our voices sound alike. Since we work in radio and use our voices a lot, the fact that we sound alike and have similar names has created quite a bit of confusion. Anyway, call me Matty; it works out better for everyone.

I spend my mornings as KNOM’s morning show host, waking up early with Western Alaska, and my afternoons as the production director.  I’m sure I’ll delve deeper into what my jobs entail in future posts, but for now I just wanted to introduce myself.  I’ve been with KNOM for about a year and a half now and I have to say, I’m a little nervous about being part of this blog. I’ve never blogged before, so bare with me.

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