Martin Buser on His 2011 Iditarod, Mistakes on the Trail, and Breaking Records

audio by Matthew Smith; photos and text by David Dodman

Miss Martin Buser’s arrival into Nome on Wednesday? Hear our interview with him under the Burled Arch, and check out our photos, below.

Buser talked with KNOM’s Matt Smith about how he – and not his dogs – made some mistakes in his 2011 Iditarod run. (After leading the pack early in this year’s race, Buser slipped from the front-runners and ultimately finished in 18th place.)

The four-time champion also discussed his 2002 record time being broken by John Baker, the possibility of even faster Iditarod runs in the future, and his status as a spokesperson for Rotary International’s End Polio Now campaign.

Buser also quipped that, after three decades of running the Iditarod, this is only the “beginning of (his) career.”

End Polio Now
Representatives for Rotary International were present under the Burled Arch on Wednesday for Martin Buser's 18th-place finish. The four-time Iditarod champion is a spokesperson for Rotary's End Polio Now campaign.
Buser's team arrives
Martin Buser's lead dogs pull up the chute.
Buser's team arrives
Martin Buser - one of the household names of Iditarod - was greeted by a large crowd of supporters on Wednesday.
Buser's team arrives
There were cameras galore at Buser's Wednesday finish.
Buser's team arrives
The sun was shining brightly for Buser's arrival under the Burled Arch.
Buser interviews
With an "End Polio Now" banner in the background - a campaign for which he's the spokesperson - Martin Buser interviews with KNOM's Matthew Smith.
Buser interviews
Buser talked about some of his mistakes in this year's Iditarod, John Baker's historic run, and his outlook for the future of his career - and of the Iditarod itself.
Buser embraces sled dog
First things first: moments after stepping down from his sled, Martin Buser embraced and congratulated his sled dogs.
Buser with his dog
Buser talks to the press while embracing one of his sled dogs.
Part of Buser's trail gear: snowshoes.
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