Profile: 8th Grade Learning Stories

Today marked the beginning of series of spots on KNOM from Nome-Beltz 8th grade students. The spots were written by students in Lynn DeFillipo’s writing class at Nome-Beltz Junior High.

Every year, Lynn tasks her students with crafting unique stories about personal learning experiences from a special person in their life. Through a series of per-writing exercises and revising multiple drafts, the final product has become, Lynn says, “a gift for the both the teller and the listener.”

This year, a dozen of Lynn’s students came to KNOM to record their stories. They shared stories of losing a beloved uncle, of learning to ride a bike, of cooking plantains with their Spanish-speaking abuelita. And for the next two weeks, around 8:15am on KNOM’s Morning Show, a new story from one of Lynn’s 8th graders will be featured.

In this Profile, Lynn discusses the process of how her students created their own learning story.

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