Search Dogs Find No Evidence in Search for Nome’s Florence Okpealuk

The search for Florence Okpealuk is still ongoing. Three search and rescue dogs from the MAT+SAR K-9 Team combed the area of West Beach over the weekend but did not find the missing 33-year-old Nome woman.

While both local leadership and law enforcement wish they had more answers, City Manager Glenn Steckman at least recognized the cooperation of the greater community.

“First of all, we want to thank the public for not coming out behind us because the dogs had to be on their own. They put three dogs out looking for Florence. Unfortunately, we did not find anything.”

– Glenn Steckman

Officials haven’t released any additional public information about leads or results from this weekend’s search.

But Manager Steckman says the City and Nome Police Department plan to continue releasing weekly announcements to inform the public on their search efforts. Steckman reported that the Nome Police are communicating with Okpealuk’s family about the missing person’s case.

Anyone with any information regarding Okpealuk’s whereabouts or disappearance is encouraged to call the Nome Police at 443-5262. Callers can remain anonymous.

Image at Top: Agents from the FBI search for Florence Okpealuk alongside Nome volunteers by the Snake River earlier in September. Photo: Emily Hofstaedter, KNOM (2020).

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