Dear Friend…October 2024

Happy Feast of the Guardian Angels! On October 2nd, Catholics celebrate and think about their guardian angels—special helpers that watch over and protect them. The Feast of the Guardian Angels reminds us that we always have someone looking out for us. The Feast includes a Mass, Office, and passages from scripture that discuss angels’ duties.

The Feast’s origins date back to the 11th century, and Pope Clement X made it obligatory for the entire church to observe in 1670. In 1883, Pope Leo XIII elevated The Feast to a double major.

Guardian angels are believed to be spiritual protectors sent by God. Each person is thought to have their own guardian angel who helps them make good choices, keeps them safe, and provides comfort when they need it. It’s like having an invisible friend who is always there to help.

KNOM’s invisible air waves keep going 24/7 as a friend and companion to all. YOU are the Guardian Angels that keep KNOM on the air! Thank you for your support to those in need through a gift to KNOM Radio Mission. Our prayers, blessings, and gratitude are with you and your family and the many women, men and children who KNOM has the honor to serve through the airwaves.

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