Sounding Board: Winter Health and Flu

Our Oct. 9 episode of Sounding Board on the flu and winter illnesses is over. Thanks for the calls and emails sharing your thoughts on flu, vaccines, staying healthy, and more.

Our show had two guests from Public Health Nursing, Deanna Mocan and Marci Smith, who shared information on flu, vaccines, enterovirus, and more.

During the show we heard from Chuck in Nome, who talked about his experience getting a flu vaccine in the military, the link between a healthy immune system and a flu shot, and the strains of flue the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention puts into annual vaccines. We also had a call from Jimmy in Nome who discussed concerns about vaccines, antibiotics, and the link between a healthy diet and exercise.

Finally, we had several emails from Earl and Marjorie, both in Nome, sharing their methods for battling illness through diet and traditional remedies like labrador tea and stickweed tea. Finally, Frank in St. Michael wrote to express his thanks for all of the doctors, nurses, health aides, and other medical professionals working in the region.

Listen to the show above, and tune in Thursday Oct. 16 for another episode of Sounding Board.

More information on influenza can be found at the State of Alaska Epidemiology website and the CDC’s website on vaccines.

More information on vaccines can be found at the following websites:

this week on Sounding Board (Thursday, Oct. 9 at 10 a.m.) we’re talking about flu season and other winter illnesses.

Flu season is upon us, and with talk nationwide about other illnesses like Enterovirus D68 (even though no cases have yet to be reported in Alaska), Sounding Board wants to know how you stay well during a time when everyone else seems to be getting sick.

  • How do you keep you and your family healthy during flu season?
  • Do you have a special family remedy that works, or are you first in line for a flu shot?
  • How does your community deal with the flu and other seasonal illnesses?
  • What concerns do you have about flu, enterovirus, or other seasonal illnesses?

Tune in to Sounding Board this week with Deanna Mocan from Public Health Nursing to answer your questions on how to stay happy and healthy this flu season.

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