GCI Rolls Out 3G For Nome, Unalakleet

For two hub communities in Western Alaska, long-awaited 3G cellphone service could be just days away.

Telecom company GCI said residents of Nome and Unalakleet will receive an upgrade from their current 2G service in the next few days. This comes just weeks after the cell and Internet provider expanded its 3G network to include another Western Alaska hub: Kotzebue.

GCI spokesperson David Morris said the upgrade is also likely to affect service between Nome and Unalakleet.

“The coverage area is going to be the same as you’re currently receiving with 2G service today,” he said. “So if you’re in an area where you’re able to connect on the cell phone it’ll just be a change over to 3G service when that occurs.”

According to GCI, the service should be up and running in Nome on Thursday and will arrive in Unalakleet a few days after that. Though a more specific ETA is still unknown, Morris said the switch should be immediately apparent to GCI customers.

“You’re going to know immediately when 3G service occurs because there will be a dramatic increase in your data capabilities,” he said. “In particular, your abilities to download and use those types of applications. There will be an improvement in the voice, but the most dramatic improvement is going to be on the data side.”

This dramatic improvement may come as welcome news to Nome residents awaiting the upgrade, which was originally scheduled to take place in mid-November.

GCI has plans to boost connection in other communities around the region, including St. Lawrence Island. The service provider is still waiting to secure funding, Morris said, but he’s optimistic about upgrades in next two-to-three years.

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