Sounding Board: Caring For Our Elders

This episode of Sounding Board is now over, but you can listen to the show and continue the conversation in the comments right here.

Thank you to all of our callers who shared their perspective on our Elder Wisdom and Care show including:

Dan in Nome who spoke about his elders’ experiences on King Island and the many things he learned from them including subsistence practices, the importance of courage and respect and how to adapt to the times without losing your cultural roots.

Ken in Elim shared his concern that younger generations are losing knowledge of their language and he hopes that more schools will implement elder-student programs. He also spoke about the importance of traditions that bring elders and communities together, including sharing subsistence catches. In addition, he commented on the difficulty of transportation in the villages for elders.

Larry in Emmonak spoke about his elders’ advice to “wake up” to the world around you. He talked about how exciting it is to see elders stories preserved and passed down. He also spoke of the traditional potlaches, which are a continued custom that bring communities together and allow elders time to speak and pass on their wisdom.

Annie in Nome spoke about growing up in Brevig Mission and learning about land, harmony, family and the importance of community from elders. She spoke of how when an elder passes, their knowledge and way of life also seems to leave with them. She emphasized the importance of teaching and learning native languages in schools. She also encouraged everyone to care for all elders by including them in day-to-day activities and showing them signs of gratitude and appreciation.

“In this generation it’s more like it has changed to me, me, me instead of us,” she said.

Thank you to all who stayed on the line. We’re sorry we could not get to all of your calls and encourage you to comment below with what you wanted to share.

Also a big thanks to our guests:

  • Denice Gilroy of Arctic Access in Nome. You can contact her at (907) 387-0688.
  • Diana Sturges of ResCare. You can contact her at (907) 387-0601.

We can all learn from those older and wiser. This week on Sounding Board, we’re paying tribute to our elders.

  • What have you learned from your elders?
  • How do you apply your values toward elders in our communities?
  • As an elder, what things you look to pass on to future generations?

This is also an opportunity to talk about care services in our region.

  • What services do you see making a difference in your community?
  • Are there areas where you see need for improvement?
  • As a community, how can we take better care of those who raised us?

We’ll be joined in the studio by Denice Gilroy from Arctic Access in Nome, who will share more about services and programs available to elders in our region.

Call in Thursday at 10 a.m. to join the conversation. Have something to share right now? Leave your comment below.

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