#JarProject Kick-Off: The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received

Last month, the jar was at  Bering Tea in Nome (map), and we asked:

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Thank you to all who submitted responses. Tune into KNOM during May to hear some of these on our airwaves, or catch up on the responses below.

The jar has moved! Click here to find out where you can find it. 


“When your head and heart are fighting in your stomach, always listen to your heart.”

– Advice that Pangaanga from Savoonga received from Vince Pikonganna.

“The person you are talking about is directly related to the person you are talking to.”

– John from Nome said this is the best “Nome advice” he has received.

“You don’t know unless you try or ask.” – Eva from Anchorage

“Life comes with ups and downs. But it’s how you handle them that matters.”- Janet in Nome


“Once you have attempted the impossible everything is (relatively) easy.”- John from Nome


“Measure twice, cut once.” -Mike from Washington


“Spend money on the things that go between you and the ground: shoes, sheets, tires.”

–Colleen in Nome


“Never ever, ever forget that you CAN save the world.”- Erin in Nome.

“You can’t help others until you help yourself.”- Michael


“‘The dumbest question is the one that is not asked.’
This was the advice a supervisor and mentor gave me some 30 years ago when I was first starting out in my career. It has served me well over the years.” – Mary from Texas

“The dishes can wait. Chores will always be there, but your kids won’t be young for long.”

– Maryann in N.H.




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